aside from the 10″ of snow we got yesterday, my little man ate 1/2 tbsp of rice cereal off a spoon!!! we have a majority of it on tape, but the antics were quite funny. we mixed about an ounce of formula with a tablespoon of BeechNut Rice Cereal and ohman, at first he was a little hesitant, but by the end of the feeding, he had his hands on the spoon and would put his face forward to get more food from it! it was TOO darn cute.
we will be doing this over the next week or so before moving on to veggies. although some recommend the fruits first, i feel that logan needs to be exposed to the not-so-sweet tastes firsts. i’d prefer he get used to the yellow veggies first.. like squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots. i will say… there is not much that’s funnier than a child with food all over their face and up their nose.
we also stated the “your baby can read!” series. this is an infomercial i watched CONSTANTLY during logan’s midnight feedings. i’m not sure what the website is off the top of my head, but it has 4 volumes that you show 2x a day for a varied length of time. it shows the word, reads the word twice, then shows a picture of the word and uses it in a sentence. it plays songs. it’s much more interactive, i feel, than the baby einstein dvds.
anyway… more on this later. whiny little man to attend to.